UI Introduction
Here’s a quick description of the basic UI elements of the Item Database and what they do:
These descriptions are based on the desktop viewing experience. Positions & sizes may be different on smaller screens
Search Filters
At the top the UI is a set of list boxes for the most common filters:
- Item Name / Description
- Include Classified?
- Season
- Class
- Breaker Type
- Slot
- Rarity
Additional common filters will slide in if your search is narrower.
When your search consists entirely of weapons…
- Damage Type
- Weapon Type
When your search consists entirely of cosmetics…
- Cosmetic Type
The filter boxes allow multiple selections (you shouldn’t need to hold down CTRL, either, for what it’s worth), and your search result will return any items where any of your selected options are present. However, each filter you add must be true for a given item in order for it to be included in your result.
Once you have selected the filters you’re interested in, click Apply Filters to see the result.
Advanced Search
Clicking “Show” next to Advanced Search reveals a list of more complicated filters. For the full detail on every available filter, check out Search Filters. Again, once you have selected the filters you’re interested in, click Apply Filters.
Search Result
Next is the list of items that match your criteria. Items are shown 50 at a time, with page navigation links at the top and bottom of the list. Click the double forward arrows to go to the end of the list, or the double forward arrows to go to the beginning.
The columns displayed will vary depending on the context of your result and the filters you have selected (see Search Filters for which filters affect the search result columns). However, in general, most search results will include:
- Checkbox to add to item comparision (if the item is a weapon or armor)
- Item Icon
- Item Name & Flavor Text
- Rarity
- Slot & Damage Type (where appropriate)
- Item Type
- Community Rating (Overall, PVE, and PVP)
Should you decide to compare items, simply check the box next to them and click Compare at the top of the search result. Check out Item Comparer for more details on how the Item Comparison Tool works.