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Loadout Calculator

Artifact Inspector

The artifact inspector allows you to specify which seasonal artifact mods you want to include in your loadout.

Summon the Weapon Inspector by clicking the icon for the current season’s artifact in the lower left corner of the loadout summary.

From there, select the mods that you want to be accessible to armor/weapons in your loadout.


  • Mod selection plays by the same rules as it does in game. Each tier has a minimum of unlocks required before you can pick a mod from that tier.
  • As you select mods, the bar above each tier indicates how close you are to being able to select mods from that column.
  • You can swap mods around, but should you unselect something from a low tier that would make a higher tier lock, the higher tier mods will be unselected too.
  • If you unselect a mod that is currently equipped on a weapon or piece of armor, the mod will be removed. Should you reselect the mod, you’ll need to re-equip it on the weapon/armor.
  • Click Reset All at the top to completely clear your artifact.

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