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Loadout Calculator

Your First Loadout

There are a couple of ways to start building your loadout:

  1. You can Import the current loadout equipped on one of your characters
  2. You can start from scratch, selecting items manually with a New Build

Importing a Loadout

Importing a loadout requires you be signed in with your Bungie account.

  1. To begin the import process, click the Import button on the top left of the calculator.

  2. If you play on multiple platforms, select the platform on which the character you want to import lives.

    • If you only play on one platform, it should be selected automatically
  3. Select the character you want to import
  4. Select what components of your current character’s loadout you want to import

    • You can choose to import as much or as little here as you want.
    • For example, if you have a hypothetical armor set in your current loadout but want to import your character’s weapons, just uncheck Armor to prevent the importer from overwriting your work.
  5. Click Begin Import

From here, you can Share your loadout as is, or begin theorycrafting potential changes to it by clicking on any of its components.

Creating a New Build

  1. Click the New Build button in the upper left of the calculator
  2. Customize the options as you see fit by clicking on their selectors:
    • Class: Select which class the loadout applies to by clicking its class icon in the upper left
    • Subclass & Abilities: Select which subclass to include in the Subclass inspector on the right after choosing your class
    • Weapons: Select which weapons to include by clicking the Kinetic, Energy, or Power slots on the left.
      • From there, choose which weapon by clicking “Add by Name” at the top of the weapon inspector
    • Artifact: Select which artifact mods to unlock for your loadout by clicking the Artifact’s icon in the lower left, then clicking which mods you want.
    • Armor: Similar to weapons, click the slot you want to customize, then click “Add by Name” to select which armor piece.

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