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Loadout Calculator

UI Introduction

Here’s a quick description of the basic UI elements of the Loadout Calculator and what they do:

These descriptions are based on the desktop viewing experience. Positions & sizes may be different on smaller screens

Top Left: Buttons

At the top left of the UI is a list of buttons.

  • New Build
    • Clears your current loadout
  • Locked/Unlocked
    • Toggles whether you can modify your current loadout or not. Lock your loadout if you want to prevent accidental updates once you’ve got it how you like it.
  • Import
    • Import loadout components from one of your current characters. Check out Your First Loadout for more details
  • Share
    • Generates a permalink for your loadout to share on various platforms
  • Revert
    • Only visible if you had a build in progress when you loaded the page
    • Returns your loadout to the state it was in when the page was initially loaded

Left: Loadout Summary

The Loadout Summary panel is, well, a summary of everything you have currently selected in your loadout.

Clicking on any of the elements will summon an inspector (see below) to allow you to drill down deeper on that component of your loadout. As you make changes to each component, your Loadout Summary will update appropriately.

Right: Inspectors

Inspectors (right half of the screen) are the UI elements which let you drill down in greater detail on each element of your loadout. Click on the link for any of the inspectors below for more detail on what they do.

Subclass Inspector

  • Summoned by clicking a class icon or the subclass diamond in the loadout summary

Weapon Inspector

  • Summoned by clicking any of the weapon slots on the left column of the loadout summary

Artifact Inspector

  • Summoned by clicking the icon for the current season’s artifact in the lower left corner of the loadout summary

Armor Inspector

  • Summoned by clicking any of the armor slots on the right column of the loadout summary

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